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Creating your experience
in browser

Hi everyone, my name is Leonid and I’m web developer

Leoniв Radostnov - web developer
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  • иконка - Modern tech stack

    Modern tech stack

    I use cutting edge web solutions. For me, the quality and speed of the your site is important. I think that for you too :)

  • иконка - Web Animations

    Web Animations

    Animation can add a little extra to the site, better position the user to your site.

  • иконка - Reasonable Prices

    Reasonable Prices

    I work alone, so working with me, you will not pay for another annual bonus to the CEO of the web studio.

  • иконка - Intergrations with CMS

    Intergrations with CMS

    If necessary, I can intergrate website with various CMS (a content management system) to make it more convenient for you to change its content.

  • иконка - Your project is my priority

    Your project is my priority

    I strongly believe in the principle: You want to do something? - then concentrate. I only do one project at a time.

  • иконка - Need design?

    Need design?

    I work with tools for design such as Figma and Adobe XD, so make a unique design for you - no problem.

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Some of my finished projects

  • cover - Social network Tiktik
  • cover - E-commerce Cool Headphones
  • cover - Self decode landing page
  • cover - Website catalogue of reinforced concrete products


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Fast, lightweight, progressive JavaScript framework. Used by Facebook, Netflix, Apple, Xiaomi, Adobe, Trivago, Nintendo, BMW and many more.

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Meta framework on Vue. Even more speeds up and simplifies the development of sites. Used in Open AI, Upwork, Asus.

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Perhaps the fastest framework to date, released in August 2022 with a new "island" architecture.

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The most popular UI JavaScript framework for building modern applications

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TypeScript is a strongly typed development language based on JavaScript. Allows you to write cleaner code and make fewer mistakes.

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The modern official state management library for Vue

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The official state management library for Vue

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Super modern and lightning-fast module builder from the creator of Vue.

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The most popular state management solution for React

TailwindCSS icon


Modern compact CSS framework with a huge number of classes and customization options

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CSS preprocessor. Allows you to better structure styles, speeds up writing styles

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The most popular JS animation library..

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Interface development service. Prototypes and designs are created here


It all depends on the specific project and scope of work. The simplest projects take from 3 days.

Payment is made in parts as the project progresses.

We will regularly communicate in a way that is convenient for you, so that you are always aware of the case.

You fill out the brief, which I send. If necessary, I can ask more clarifying questions.

Yes, I do - on Wordpress using Divi or Elementor builders. I also write self-written code in either JavaScript / Typescript or Vue..

Of course! The number of different devices is growing every year, and so is the traffic on mobile devices.

When promoting a website, search engines primarily focus on the mobile version of the site. Adaptive layout improves a site's position in search results.

When promoting a site, search engines mostly pay attention to the mobile version of the site.

Yes. Depending on the project offer a self-written admin panel or a full-fledged CMS (content management system)

What clients say

Have any questions?

Fill out the form and I get in touch with you ASAP